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WE MAKE PRODUCT is a company which manufactures and distributes Korean fashion accessory brand products. Our current main brand product is MONSTER REPUBLIC and we sell note book backpack and clothing, and we are also providing interview of the people who sell these product. Currently, we are trying to deliver honestly the story of monsters that are trying and challenging to achieve their own dream with common but passionate mind under the slogan of –MOVEMENT OF MONSTER. Everybody has different criteria for happiness but we believe that there is no happiness without enthusiasm. The story of the monster Republic starts from one of the word 'passion'. We express the dream which doesn’t make any sense or the entity who dreams such a dream as MONSTER, and we will introduce the product focused on that. Monster Republic product is focused on two pints which are design and quality. The design and production process of all products introduced goes through systematic quality control process by WE MAKE PRODUCT COMPANY and quality is guaranteed.

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